by Brox Baxley | Feb 9, 2023 | Brox Baxley, Hunting
Hunting gear shouldn’t have to break the bank. There are several ways to make bargain bin gear work and last for a long time if you don’t have the money for the new gear. Hunting is meant to be fun, not a popularity contest. While there are pros for merino...
by Brox Baxley | Apr 20, 2021 | Brox Baxley, Hunting, Travel, Uncategorized
Hunting is a great outdoor skill, but those who must know and practice proper hunting ethics in consideration and respect for themselves, other hunters, and the game animals hunted. First, the hunter must take a hunter education course before hunting, be in good...
by Brox Baxley | Feb 12, 2021 | Brox Baxley, Hunting, Travel
Everyone must do what they can when it comes to economic efficiency. One way that people can do this is to hunt venison. Venison, also known as deer meat, is an excellent protein source and can help a person fill the freezer quickly. When a person decides to hunt,...
by Brox Baxley | Nov 13, 2020 | Brox Baxley, Hunting
Scoring a freshly harvested buck is a thrill for the hunter. A score can accurately capsulate the quality and size of their trophy buck with fellow hunters. Pictures can be subject to tom-foolery and skew the dimensions of a deer’s antlers. The Boone and...